Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mothers Day!

Here we are at Mothers day again, the years seem to go by so fast. Thought I would pay a little tribute to my mom on here, this being her second mom's day in Glory!  I look back on my childhood and am so very very thankful for the mom that I had, and the older I get the more my mom I see,  I know for some of us that can be kinda scary, but in this case it's a very blessed thing. My mom was an awesome born-again Christian that lived her entire adult life for the Lord, she was always the one known at her work to be that "religious, Jesus" person, and I know I am known at my work for being that "religious, Jesus" person, and I admit it I AM A JESUS FREAK!  best part of being me  :)  I wasn't always but that's a whole nother blog story...
My mom and I had our differences for sure especially in my teen years, just couldn't understand why she didn't and wouldn't let me hang around with those people I so wanted to hang around with, and if she found out I was there were days she had come and hunted me down ! seriously, literally, but as I look back it's things like that that made me who and what I am today!! and for that I am eternally grateful.
Funny you find things out about your mom after she is gone that oh you so wish you would have known when she was here, one thing I found out during her Celebration of Life service, but thats ok when I see her again I can give her the love and hug for that! Thought I might share a little poem we found taped in her Bible after she was called Home, and now that is taped inside my Bible, until I am called home and I pray everyday that it will be taped inside my daughters Bible someday,
there are so many things I can see and feel that I know that my mom saw and felt, funny how life comes full circle isn't it?  
The older my mom became the sweeter to me she became, and I don't know if that is because I finally came to know Christ like she knew Christ, and I do know the only reason I did is because of her praying for me all the years she prayed for me, I wish the rest of my siblings would too, but I continue where my mom left off in that dept. by praying for them EVERY day that they will come to know Christ in the way I have, not just acknowledge that we have a God and that He sent His Son for us, but to live for Him,  we were all raised to know better, and I sure wish I would have listened to mom long before I did, it's a very very blessed assurance knowing Who is in charge of me!  

Ok so here's the poem, didn't mean to go so far off the beaten trail here, but I'm glad I did!  If your mom is still around make sure she knows how much you love her!  This is the day to do that!! well officially  :) and of course I can't find where I saved it so I'll have to type it out :

You tell me that I'm getting old
I tell you that's not so!
The "house" I live in is all worn out,
and that, of course, I know.
It's been in use a long, long time
and weathered many a gale,
I'm really not surprised to find
it's getting somewhat frail.
The color is changing on the roof
and the windows are getting dim,
the steps by now, are quite well worn
it's appearance no longer trim.
The foundation is not as steady
as once it used to be.
Yes, my "house" is getting shaky,
but, my "house" isn't me!
A few short years can't make me old,
I feel I'm in my youth.
Eterenity lies just ahead
A life of  Joy and Truth.
I'm going to live forever there,
and I think it will be grand.
You tell me I am getting old?
You just don't understand.
The dweller in my little "house"
is bright and young and gay,
just starting out on a life that lasts 
a great eternal day.
You only see the outside
which is all that most folks see.
You tell me I am getting old,
You've mixed my "house" with Me!


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