Saturday, May 21, 2011

Another week gone by almost.

Well another week gone by, when your in it it surely doesn't seem to go that fast, but now that the weekend is upon us and there is only 48hrs in it, and I have like 148hrs worth of work to do,, hmmm it just seems overwhelming, I need to tell myself to just take a deep breath (which I have to do a LOT lately) and just do what I can, it doesn't really make any difference what all I get done to anyone other than me anyways right? So maybe my problem is it shouldn't matter so much to me!  I found out yesterday I am seriously suffering from anxiety, been having some issues lately just stuff you kind of chalk up to maybe getting older, or this or that, well yesterday I decided to check symptoms of anxiety and not so sure I should have if you know what I mean... I have almost every one of them, so I need a plan of attack. I'm the type of person that normally doesn't suffer from depression / anxiety stuff like that but when I find myself there I find out what is bugging me and take care of it!!  So I am seriously praying that will be the case here. 

I do have a lot to do today, and Steve is headed north again to help with the deck on the cottage, maybe if I were to make myself a list, and cross off as I get the things done today that might help me feel as though I have accomplished more than I feel I have.  Ok I'm gonna try that today!! 
We had a little birthday party last night for my youngest grand daughter as she turned flee as she puts it or in our language 3  :)  it's so cute when they can't quite say simple things like that, with her older sister we never had that Kamilah always talked as an adult, so no cute stuff it seems. I will try and post a few pictures later, it's much easier to post pictures when I am on my laptop rather than the table top, not sure why just not so stinking complicated I guess.  
Well I suppose I should get up, get dressed, and tackle today!
Hope you all have a wonderful saturday, and it doesn't rain where ever you are because it seems EVERYONE is having a cold, WET, spring!  Need to get out and wash the windows today, before it rains tonight!
Have a blessed saturday!

1 Comment:

陳順銓Chen,Shun-Chuan said...

These Chinese who are bloodier, dirtier, more depraved than the Japanese military during the rape of Nanking in World War II have stepped over their countless innocent victims. Don’to be fooled because China is extremely low class: they are not human. Using technology China has infiltrated all places in this world utilizing inhumane methods to terrorize innocent laborers and establishing a stable of their demons (politicians, reporters) who slaughter throughout the free world.





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